Some people are like home, whenever and wherever you meet nothing changes. Our ‘unfiltered’perception pertains the aura. Those are lucky having such people in their lives. Society expects us to ‘act’ in a certain way that is particularly beneficial to them. You are trained to suppress your emotions, behave in ‘practical’ way. But then you meet your ‘homies’ who just connect to your soul. You feel free to fly high,dive deep in yourself and ‘your life’ . They teach you true meaning of life which you live for yourself without any veiled beneficial intentions for themselves. Such bonds are precious and require nurturing throughout life. Fortunates are those who build and cultivate such precious bonds throughout their life. Friends are a full package of family care,squad fun, advisors for every matter, your motivational speaker and lazy partners too. You don’t have to smile artificially in pics when you meet them or think about them a slow smile creeps on corner of your lips remembering part of your best life days. Memories that you create with them cherish for lifetime. I wish everyone finds such precious ‘homies’ creating some memorable stories to be told in our old age…